Technical art (VFX, Shaders, Tools)

I'm currently working on a personal game project in Unity as a solo developer, but cannot disclose details yet (Space Opera Projectile is NOT related to this game). Please feel free to reach out for a demo if interested!

Space Opera Projectile. An example of VFX made in Unity, using Blender for modelling and C# for controlling shots.

Particle Additive Shader

Particle Additive Shader

Particle AB Shader

Particle AB Shader

Particle Scroll Additive Shader

Particle Scroll Additive Shader

Particle Scroll AB Shader

Particle Scroll AB Shader

Textures used for the projectile itself as well as post processing color correction (LDR)

Textures used for the projectile itself as well as post processing color correction (LDR)